Facebook, twitter, texting, email - what have these done for us other than remove the need of actual human interaction. Oh they have also ruined our grammar. Our vocabulary has been limited to LOL, OMG and WTH!!
This post is an hope to eloquently speak and write english. I will keep updating this post as I come across my slang grammar.
Today I was having a conversation with my boyfriend and used the word 'but' in my sentence. Immediately he pointed out to me why the word 'but' wasn't necessary and how it made my discuss sound negative. After he pointed this out I realized I use this word very regularly.
Basically every time you use the word 'but, 'however' 'although' or any other contradictory word you are really just disagreeing with the person.
Ex - I love this dress,
but I wish it was a lighter color.
Solution - Replace 'but' with 'and'
I love this dress
and I really wish they had a lighter color.
Eliminating the word but will strengthen your argument and leave a positive feeling.
Today at work I was dealing with some pricing work. Being an engineer this is so new for me. I was describing to my friend this experience over chat and began to type ' wow, pricing is a whole nother world!'. Before I hit the send key I looked at the sentence like a slight tilt in my head like what the... yes that look. So I looked up ' whole nother' to make sure it was a real word. Yea turns out 'nother' is NOT a word.
Ex - I was living in a
whole nother world.
Solution - I was living in another world or in a completely different world.
Hope this helps my readers too!! Also am open to any suggestions and comments :)