I was asked by my friends about why I started blogging, so I thought, hey that's a great piece to write on. (Nowadays I tie everything to blogging, make mental notes in every conversation. When I am in the gym, when am trying to sleep, talking to my friends, watching TV... my mind automatically tunes into blog-mode).
I can break it into 2 possibilities, either it's about giving into something like succumbing to peer pressure or it's just plain curiosity. Peer-pressure..What is REALLY driving us to give into - C'mon, everyone's doing it!. Is it because we don't want to be tagged as an outcast or are we just big-eyed.
Here's what I think, I think I am just plain inquisitive. Like for example blogging, I was curious to know how I would fit in the blogging world. I wanted to know if I could write and if I had things to talk about. I am all about discovering myself, my likes, dislikes, etc. Hence my blogger name,don't get me wrong I am not arrogant, I am well aware that I am just a mere thread in the tapestry of life. Take Facebook , I had a friend who was not signed onto it. This guy is super paranoid about having his info/pictures,etc online. BUT he caved, he signed onto Facebook eventually, his reason - ' This is purely for my work, to market my company'. I was like, yeah right ;) I think all reasons/excuses come down to either your curious or you want to fit in. I guess there's no real answer to this, its as ambiguous as the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything = 42.
My advice to people out there, don't be afraid to admit what your doing and why your doing things. Its your life and your answerable to yourself. So believe in yourself and like I always say ' Whatever floats your boat, honey!' ;). Adios and thanks for reading.
“I have no particular talent. I am merely inquisitive.” - Albert Einstein
hmm.... thats quite true!!!
ReplyDeleteWow you're opne heck of a writer! Loved your post and H2G2's quote abt 42 is very well used... amazing.. and one more question... what does Chaitri mean? I am intrigued ?
ReplyDeleteOne request please write. please please write more.... Your writeups are enthralling.... :)
Have a nice inquisitive day!